Monday, June 7, 2010


Once upon a time there was a spider named Andrew Lloyd Webber. He was not named after the composer. His father, Pappa spider, heard it from the street while scaling the brick wall of a grocery store, and thought his newborn son, sure to be his favorite, ought to have a longer name than the others. One day Andy was spinning a nice web of fine silk, up in the corner of a dying old woman's hospital room, when a baby mosquito haplessly flew into his web. The mosquito began shouting, "Oh no! You're that spider with the hunchback I've heard about, who kills every creature smaller than it! Please don't stick me with your venom fangs!"
Andy stared at the annoying mosquito. "It's not a hunchback you fucking idiot. It's an egg sack (you see, in rare spider communities in the Eastern United States, it is common for male spiders to carry the eggs of his mate). And I'm not hungry right now. Even if I were, I wouldn't eat a beastly thing like you. I'd get a stomach ache." Andy turned away and continued spinning.
"Hey Mister! I can't get out of here. It's too sticky!"
"That's your own fault. You flew into a spider web."
"But I didn't mean to! I was hurrying to catch the sleeping baby in the next room! I could smell its blood from 3 rooms away."
"There's your problem. You're too eager."
Just then, the old woman began a terrible coughing fit. She bent over the bed, spitting phlegm into her wastebasket. She lay back down, exhausted, peed herself, and stopped breathing.
"What does eager mean?"
"It means you're young and stupid."
"No it doesn't!"
"Yes it does."
"Okay, you're right. It doesn't."
A smiling male nurse in lavender scrubs entered the room. From the doorway, he stood on his tip toes to peer at the old lady's face. Her eyes and mouth were wide open. He lowered his head and closed the door.
"Well what does it mean then?"
"Listen kid. If you don't leave me alone, I am going to eat you."
"But I thought you said..."
"Yeah well, all this talking is making me hungry." Andy stretched out to stroke the mosquito. Its thread-like legs and dopey eyes disgusted Andy, but he pretended to enjoy the feeling of petting his prey. The mosquito shrieked and dislodged itself from the web, falling directly onto the woman's cold thy. After regaining what little strength it possessed, it staggered to the other room to gather some baby's blood. Andy spun himself down so he could hover above the woman's face. He studied her wrinkles and her bony hands and her oily, wiry hair. He had never had such a good look at a human. They always swatted at him. But she was dead. She didn't care.

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